Tipping fee exemptions for waste from natural disasters [Sec. 2984n-z, 2985f, g] -
Act 32
Voluntary party liability exemption re environmental contamination cleanup expanded to certain landfills and revisions re removal of voluntary party and limit on amount spent on cleanup -
Act 103
Administrative rule revisions re state agency authority to promulgate and implement standards, gubernatorial approval, economic impact analysis, legislative review of proposed rules, JCRAR duties, and venue in judicial review actions and in actions against the state -
Act 21
Economic development tax credit program: credits allocated by Comm.Dept increased; JCF approval required
Act 4
Health savings account: adopting Internal Revenue Code provisions for state income and franchise tax purposes
Act 1
Jobs creation income and franchise tax deduction created -
Act 5
Relocated business credit created; DOR duties -
Act 3
State finances: public employee trust fund reserve accounts, public debt refunding, executive branch agency lapses, MA funding revisions, TANF moneys for EITC, and adult correctional services funding -
Act 13
Tax rate increases in certain cases: two-thirds vote required; statewide advisory referendum provision
Act 9
Telecommunications utility regulation revisions including alternative telecommunications utility, intrastate switched access rates, tariffs, interconnected VOIP service, universal service, basic voice service, and use of transmission equipment and property; PSC provisions -
Act 22
Tort reform: actions against manufacturers, distributors, sellers, and promoters of a product; strict liability; noneconomic damages limited; punitive damages; frivolous claims; health care service reviews confidentiality; use of health care reports or employee statements; hospital quality indicators reporting; expert and lay witness testimony; crimes of abuse, homicide, or negligence re health care providers and treatment or residential care facilities in specified cases
Act 2
Wetland in Village of Ashwaubenon: water quality standards in compliance and exemption to certain laws administered by DNR if specified criteria are met -
Act 6
Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) created; Comm.Dept and LAB duties, public employee and WRS provisions, reports required [partial veto]
Act 7
Agricultural production loan guarantees administered by WHEDA: revisions re amount and term of loan
Act 80
Attorney fees: factors a court must consider in determining reasonableness -
Act 92
DOR duties re administering taxes or fees revised re assessments, penalty for negligence, Tax Appeals Commission rulings, petition for declaratory ruling, petition to adopt a standard by rule, inspection of tax returns or claims, and prohibiting class action lawsuits against the state in certain cases; 2013-15 budget proposal provision re relying on past audits
Act 68
Film production services tax credit application fee revised -
Act 67
Interest rate on judgments in civil actions revised -
Act 69
Small business development loan guarantee program revisions -
Act 79
Trespassers: duty of care owed and limitations on civil liability of possessor of real property -
Act 93
stateState, see
specific department or subject
Administrative rule revisions re state agency authority to promulgate and implement standards, gubernatorial approval, economic impact analysis, legislative review of proposed rules, JCRAR duties, and venue in judicial review actions and in actions against the state -
Act 21
Authorized state building program and building program bonding authorizations for 2011-13 [Sec. 44p, 47, 50g, h, 56g-p, 265g-j, 276m, 277, 289b, 554, 560, 561, 779-780, 785m, p, 795m-s, 797m, 798g-y, 815g-i, 1003, 3567o, 9106 (1)-(9), 9401 (2i)] -
Act 32
Base budget review report requirements for state agencies [Sec. 218d, e] [vetoed] -
Child care facilities for state employees in the Madison area: DOA contract authority eliminated [Sec. 39, 43, 264, 267, 727, 776-778, 9401 (1)] -
Act 32
Dual employment or retention: ``agency" definition modified [Sec. 217, 9455 (1)] -
Act 32
Energy consuming equipment purchases by state agencies: units that cost less than set amount exempt from energy efficiency standards requirement [Sec. 260] -
Act 32
Lapses to general fund re employer savings in fringe benefit costs -
Act 10
Lapses to general fund re employer savings in fringe benefit costs: 2011 WisAct 10 provisions repealed
Act 27
OEI and certain duties eliminated; state agency requirements re alternative fuels and hybrid-electric vehicles revised; goals to reduce usage of gasoline and diesel fuel modified; DOA duties set and certain annual report requirement eliminated [Sec. 94, 191, 193-202, 323-325, 2298, 2309]
Act 32
Professional and occupational licenses: fee waiver program for qualified veterans -
Act 209
Small Business Regulatory Review Board membership and rule making considerations for small businesses revised; state agency administrative law considerations for small businesses; small business regulatory coordinators and Office of Regulatory Assistance duties -
Act 46
State agency attorney pay progression plan, JCF approval [Sec. 9155 (3c)] [vetoed] -
State agency operations, contracts, and grants: disclosure of expenditures, Internet provision, computer upgrade exemption with JCF approval [Sec. 215m] [partial veto]
Act 32
Surplus positions in state agencies: DOA report modified [Sec. 218h] [vetoed] -
Vacant FTE positions in the executive branch: Governor may abolish with JCF approval [Sec. 218g, i, p]
Act 32
Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) created; Comm.Dept and LAB duties, public employee and WRS provisions, reports required [partial veto]
Act 7
State capitol building security costs in 2011: JCF appropriation [Sec. 778m, n, 9455 (2u)] -
Act 32
Electronic juvenile court records re Children's Code or Juvenile Justice Code proceedings made available to law enforcement, juvenile court, municipal court, court of criminal jurisdiction, and certain prosecutors, attorneys, and guardians ad litem; restrictions on information re physical and mental health and sensitive personal matters; Director of State Courts, CCAP, confidentiality, and forfeiture provisions
Act 270
Judicial Compensation Commission created; Governor, Director of State Courts, and JCOER duties; sunset provision [Sec. 9155 (1j)] [vetoed] -
Judicial Council: transfer of funds from Director of State Courts and State Law Library [Sec. 768g, 3475g]
Act 32
Assistant DA pay progression plan established -
Act 238
Assistant DA pay progression plan, JCF approval [Sec. 9113 (3c)] [partial veto] -
Act 32
Career executive program: employee may be reassigned to any state agency -
Act 10
Division administrator: additional position for DWD and WERC, attorney provision; salary group for positions with information technology management responsibility changed; Division of Enterprise Technology created in DOA [Sec. 91m, 805, 809, 2754, 2755a, 2763, 2763m]
Act 32
Health insurance premiums for state employees: maximum percentage employer will pay and OSER duty; payments for remainder of 2011, local governments, and U.W. System graduate and teaching assistants provisions
Act 10
Health insurance premiums for state employees: 2011 WisAct 10 provisions revised [Sec. 1145rh-s, 1156ym, 9115 (dr)] -
Act 32
State agency attorney pay progression plan, JCF approval [Sec. 9155 (3c)] [vetoed] -
Unclassified division administrators: FTE positions increased and DOA to decrease FTE positions in executive branch agencies; OSER provision -
Act 10
WRS eligibility revised, DETF duties and emergency rules promulgation; WRS structure and benefits study and health insurance options study required; JCF, reports, and audit provisions [Sec. 1153d, h, 1156c-t, 9115 (1q)-(4q), 9143 (2q)] [1156k, t, 9143 (2q) — partial veto] -
Act 32
Human resources: 2 FTE positions transferred from DOA to DORL and State Fair Park Board [Sec. 9101 (4q)]
Act 32
Copper Culture State Park: DOT to erect tourism-oriented directional signs [Sec. 9148 (4f)] -
Act 32
Hunting, trapping, and fishing: laws revised re encouraging activities and outdoor recreation, Stewardship Program, approval fees, high school credit re certain education programs, Class D hunting permits issued to certain disabled persons, additional fishing special event weekend, state parks, and annual disabled veteran recreation cards; Sporting Heritage Council created, study required -
Act 168
DPI license revocation laws revised, open records law exemption re notice to subject of a record being disclosed, and Internet provision; ``immoral conduct" definition expanded
Act 84
Human growth and development instructional programs in schools: revisions re topics covered, definitions, exemptions, advisory committee, and volunteer health care provider
Act 216
MPCP and parental choice program for eligible school districts: revisions re verification of income eligibility, approved accrediting and preaccrediting organizations, a school's retention of a disqualified person, fees and tuition, and certificates of occupancy -
Act 47
Race-based team names, nicknames, logos, and mascots used by schools: school district may delay compliance with order to terminate use of [Sec. 2476p, r] -
Act 32
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